VP ASL-Astro Coronagraphy


The ASL-Coronagraphy experiment is part of the course "advanced physics lab" (VP, Vorgerückten-Praktikum), and registration for the experiment is similar to a standard VP experiment. After registration, the ASL supervisor at the institute will contact the students for having a first discussion and introduction into coronagraphy, a method for improving the imaging contrast allowing the observation of faint sources close to bright objects.

Aim of the experiment

The students will learn to setup an imaging optical bench used in coronagraphy, and control the active optics component, the SLM, demonstrating its power as a reprogrammable device for wavefront control.


Students will make use of state-of-the-art Spatial Light Modulators (SLM) that allow to manipulate wavefront’s amplitude or phase as a function of spatial position. We will study these devices and their characteristics and conduct principle measurements of applied Fourier Optics.

ASL-Coronagraphy Teaching Assistant

Documents / Manuals (preliminary)

ASL Coronagraphy Manual


VP office

Dr. Mohan Ranganathan (ASL-Coronagraphy Teaching Assistant)

Dr. Adrian Glauser (ASL-Coronagraphy supervisor)

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