Radiotelescope Bleien (RSG)

Two historic radio telescopes in Bleien (Aargau) about 50 km south of Zurich are used for observations of dynamic solar radio flare, radio-monitoring and testing of high frequency components. A third instrument is observing external pageextra-galactic radio transients with a horn-antenna and a modern FFT-spectrometer. The location is a very remote area with low radio interference. The location with its instruments got a protection zone of about 1.5 km. The observatory supplies real time data of several external pageenvironmental sensor here.

After more than 30 years in 2015 the solar radio burst observations were switched off and instruments were changed for observing cosmological signals at red-shifted hydrogen 21 cm line between 980 MHz and ~1300 MHz.

Parabolspiegel 7m diameter 100 MHz - 4 GHz
Parabolspiegel 7m diameter 100 MHz - 4 GHz

Photo: C. Monstein ETH Zurich. Real time data of the external page7m dish can be accessed here.

5m parabolic antenna 300 MHz - 5 GHz
5m parabolic antenna 300 MHz - 5 GHz

Photo: C. Monstein ETH Zurich. Real time data of the external page5m dish can be accessed here.

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